The Government announced the New Education Policy 2020. The main aim of this policy is to make "India a global knowledge superpower". This policy replaces the 34-year-old Education Policy of the year 1986. SOME KEY POINTS OF THIS POLICY ARE AS FOLLOWS: The Ministry of Human Resources Development is now being known by its new name Ministry of Education. 10+2 structure of school education is change to 5+3+3+4 structure. This means that upto 5 preschool, 6-8 mid-school, 9-11 high school, and 12 onwards graduation. It offers an undergraduate degree (3 or 4 years) from earlier 3years. 4 years for those students who want a postgraduate degree also and postgraduate degree(1or 2 years)from earlier 2 years. MPhil is now removed. This degree is seen as a hindrance to those students who are desiring to pursue a PhD course. Vocational education is introduced for the students of 6th standard and onwards and will also include an internship. Now no board exams in the 10th standard. Up to ...